14 nëntor 2009

Tchaikovsky's Voice

For real... a recording of Tchaikovsky's voice from 1890. Anton Rubinstein is featured in it, too, among other figures of the time.

Translated dialogue:
A. Rubinstein: What a wonderful thing [the phonograph].
J. Block: Finally.
E. Lawrowskaja: A disgusting...how he dares slyly to name me.
W. Safonov: (Sings a scale incorrectly).
P. Tchaikovsky: This trill could be better.
E. Lawrowskaja: (sings).
P. Tchaikovsky: Block is good, but Edison is even better.
E. Lawrowskaja: (sings) A-o, a-o.
W. Safonow: (In German) Peter Jurgenson in Moscow.
P. Tchaikovsky: Who just spoke? It seems to have been Safonow. (Whistles)

(Source: boingboing)

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