This is for all the global warming skeptics: ocean water temperatures are on the rise. The change is more noticeable toward the poles, forecasting an accelerated melting of the polar ice-caps, which is predicted to dramatically raise water levels around the world.
Talk about extreme cosmetic surgery! How about we break your bones, keep separating them as they fuse, and make you gain 5 cm in the process? Apparently, many Siberian women are lining up for this.
Earth suddenly feels less special now that we have discovered that extraterrestrial environments support organic molecules vital to life such as the amino acid glycine, which was recently found to be present in a comet.
If you have ever blamed your parents for your drinking problem, now you have more of a reason to do so. Certain gene variants in monkeys make them more predisposed to drinking. Yes, they gave monkeys alcohol for this experiment.
Stem cell research seems even more promising now that we can refine and target its benefits through the use of magnetic nanoparticles injected in stem cells and which are then guided throughout the body by using magnets, thus easily targeting problematic areas.
Does psychological stress affect your allergies? Yes—it can both worsen and prolong allergic reactions.
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