We don't need to do any soul-searching or any philosophical analyses to realize why this was (and perhaps is and always will be) a rampant phenomenon in the Catholic church. It is a church that demands celibacy of its priests, thus isolating them from the get-go in an unnatural world where they have to suppress their natural feelings and impulses. At the same time, it is indicative of the empty promises it makes and its failure to deliver on those promises.
The fact that most of the abuse was carried out on boys is no surprise and it should not be attributed to homosexuality, for it is the direct result of the church's promise to 'cure the gay' through whatever means it proposes, one of which is dedicating one's life entirely to the church. These individuals may have initially been confused and conflicted themselves about their sexuality and hoped to find answers and solace in the church that 'supported' and welcomed them with open arms, only to later find themselves still conflicted and confused and, what's worse, even abusive, after a few years in the clergy.
This heinous scandal also highlights the hypocrisy that has always existed in organized religion. All its representatives preach to us about punishment in hell and redemption in heaven, yet they fail to fear the same hell for actions as depraved as child abuse. These are not isolated lapses in judgment or self-control; these are repeated actions of recidivistic, deluded sexual maniacs.
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