Yet, these last two days, both of them redeemed themselves in my eyes with their two articles:
First, Brooks wrote about the realities facing conservative legislators today as well as their precarious position between ideological alternatives and feasible, beneficial ones for the middle class that run against traditional conservative ideology. Brooks seemed to favor the realistic approaches to mending the nation's woes.
Then, there was Dowd, who wrote about the blatant hypocrisy and racism shown by the pseudo-intellectual Newt Gingrich who recently agreed with Dinesh D'Souza's assessment of Obama's politics as a result of his father's neo-colonialist world view. According to Dowd—and here I agree with her—by equating Obama's policy and view of the world to that of his father, and by tainting the character of the latter, they also insult the former.
Gingrich's and D'Souza's logic is so perverted and twisted that only an uneducated audience or bigots will embrace. But then again, look at the crowd who's gotten the mainstream Republicans' panties in a bunch....
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