As I have posted before on this blog, our 'democratizing' mission in Iraq
has miserably failed with gays in that country, as with other issues or areas of life. We have created an environment where individuals are being persecuted and sought out to be killed for having committed inconsequential, consensual actions that regard
only their personal lives.
On a similar note,
NPR reports that women-run Iraqi businesses will suffer once the United States leave the country. The fact that women will be worse off if the United States leaves notwithstanding, it is important to also view the flip-side of this scenario: that of an economy and of a society that is, at present, so steeped in religious bigotry and clan mentality that the secularism defended and upheld by Saddam Hussein, despite its dictatorial and violent nature, may soon appear like a pleasant past deserving of nostalgia. Accompanying audio below.
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