The average age of detection for prostate cancer has decreased from 72 to 67 between 1989 and 2005. The racial gap has somewhat closed, too.
Scientists have also discovered stem cells in the lumen of prostates that give rise to some types of prostate cancer, paving the way for better ways of controlling cancers once they develop.
On fat news:
A new fat-fighting medicine has not only helped mice lose weight, but also lowered cholesterol and reversed diabetes.
According to a study, a Mediterranean diet is more effective than a low-fat diet in coping with diabetes. It also leads to weight loss and lower cholesterol.
If you want to lose weight, you may want to eat during the day and limit consumption at night... at least mice can do that for now.
If you go for a liposuction, ask if the center also produces stem cells from fat they suck out of you. They can do that now.
On brain news:
It has been discovered that you can now remember facts without being aware of it.
Epileptic seizures can cause different sensations, among which that of being the opposite sex.
Ever wonder what goes on in your brain and why you get excited when you watch porn? Here it is (via The Daily Dish).
Mammals have something to boast about with respect to giant squid. Our neurons are more efficient at transmitting chemical messages than the neurons of the giant squid.
On cardiovascular news:
It has been learned that men and women have different mortality rates within 30 days of a heart attack or angina.
A new study reinforces the belief that smoke and other pollution in the air can result in higher rates of heart disease. Move to the country!
And yet another use has been discovered for statins: they can now protect patients from post-operative heart attacks.
If you have high blood pressure and you're over 45, there's a higher chance you have or will have memory problems.
Ladies and gents with large thighs (muscular ones, of course) are better off than those with smaller thighs. The large thigh muscles help to deal better with the hormone insulin, which, in turn, keeps one's heart healthier.
Yet one more reason to eat your broccoli: a substance in it helps to keep problematic arteries unclogged by activating a molecule that clears them up.
And if you'd like to help government cut the cost of healthcare by something in the vicinity of $20 billion, eat less salt!
On genetics news:
A new test for chromosomal defects makes it possible to detect irregularities earlier and help pregnant women carry their pregnancies to term.
Genetics also controls acne in teens: if your parents had acne, there is a strong chance you will, too.
British scientists have discovered three genes linked with Alzheimer's and are considering the discovery as one of the most important in the past fifteen years.
On libation news:
This one surprised me: heavier drinkers tend to exercise more. I'm guessing guilt has a role in that. Either guilt or the policy, 'work out hard, party harder.'
Mothers across the world have known this for centuries, but a study now confirms what they've known: chamomile calms colicky babies.
Need another reason to drink wine? If you're undergoing radiation therapy, wine can help youcope with the effects of radiation.
And this is not really a 'drink' per se, but it is an oil. Cinnamon oil is apparently quite effective as an antiseptic.
On animal news:
The domestication of dogs is yet another one of the many exports of ancient China. Why in the world would they domesticate wolves?! FOOD!
The discovery that certain cells in moths and caterpillars react to chemicals in the same way as in mammals will substitute mice in laboratory experiments and save a lot of mice... at the expense of moths and caterpillars, of course.
Evolution in action can be seen in the different coats of mice, since their camouflage is dictated by their different living environments.
If you want to get rid of cockroaches, make sure you kill a few of them in certain key places and that you let them stay there for a while. No living insect will dare approach the area then.
On miscellaneous news:
A new cancer pill has shown promise in treating difficult cancers. Though promising, those who take it eventually build a resistance to it.
The discovery of two new antibodies on the surface of the HIV virus has paved the way for a possible vaccine that is likely to be more successful than any attempted before.
Living in a neighborhood with people of the same cultural background can have its health benefits.
Iceland is at the forefront of ways to cut CO2 emissions, primarily by isolating the gas into the ground, thanks to its reaction with basalt.
Your other half will hate this, but if you want to sleep better, kick him/her out of your bed at night.
A study has shown that the cause of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is an enzyme. Finding ways to inhibit that enzyme can make antibiotics very potent.
This sadly seems like a vicious circle, but depression in cancer patients can cut their rate of survival.
For your viewing pleasure, behold—the Milky Way....
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